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  • Writer's picturehighway6express


Hello dear friends and customers. I guess I should give an update on service with everything surrounding the Covid-19.

Highway 6 Express has been closed, I have not taken any passenger service for the last two weeks, and my shop in Thompson is closed. You can meet me there if you make an appointment. Please only people feeling healthy and are not experiencing any flu like symptoms.

I am still doing some freight service between Winnipeg and Thompson. I am available for some moving services and delivery service while in Thompson.

I have been quarantining when not picking up freight, I pretty much make one little run a day for pick ups and then back home. I have gloves, sanitizer, and masks that I wear. I do the best I can, and keep as clean as I can, while trying to survive through this. I have been bringing food and some supplies back and forth between the two cities, let me know if you need anything.


- Steven

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